Beyond Carbon Neutrality

With the strong confidence that our batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage systems are a key driver for decarbonized society,
LG Energy Solution is committed to accelerating climate action with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and going carbon negative thereafter.

Carbon Neutrality across the Entire Value Chain by 2050

NetZero Scope1&2 Scope 3 2020 2030 2040 2050 RE100 Transitionat own Operating Sites& 1st tier Suppliers Carbon NeutralityIn Scopes 1&2 Carbon NeutralityIn Scopes 1~3 RE Conversion Fossil Fuel Conversion RE100for Suppliers Development ofLow-Carbon Material Increase inRecycled Contents Carbon Offsetting


RE100 Transition

In April 2021, LG Energy Solution was the first global battery manufacturer to join both RE100 and EV100 and declare its commitment to transition electricity sourced in all of its business sites to 100% renewable energy and to transition all of owned and leased vehicles to electric vehicles by 2030.

With a view to accelerating the transition to renewable energy, LG Energy Solution makes efforts to secure stable supply of renewable energy, using varied measures catered to regulatory and power market conditions of each operating site – ranging from generating solar power from photovoltaic facilities installed in manufacturing plants, sourcing renewable energy through renewable energy certificates or green pricing, to exploring more stable and long-term measures such as power purchase agreement to contribute to additionality.

Additionally, we are transitioning corporate vehicle fleets to electric vehicles to achieve EV100, along with improving infrastructure, such as installing EV charging station at our operating sites.

We will continue to explore and find optimal measures to achieve carbon neutrality, taking into account national and local power market structures and cost effectiveness, to achieve both RE100 and EV100.


Achieve Carbon
Neutrality in
Own Operations
Scope 1&2

In order to achieve carbon neutrality in our own operations (Scopes 1 & 2) by 2040, the alternative fuel sources aside from electricity are needed. Fuels should be transitioned to renewable energy sources (biomass, hydrogen, or electricity) as much as possible, and residual emissions that occur from other than electricity and fuels are needed to be offset by utilizing external carbon credit. To that end, we are implementing projects to promote energy efficiency and optimize energy use, secure alternative green energy sources, and transition fuel into electric boilers. In addition, we are exploring business models that leverage the eco-friendliness of our products to reduce carbon emissions and carbon offset projects in the areas of forestry.


Achieve Carbon
Neutrality across the
Entire Value Chain

The key to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is reducing carbon emissions in the supply chain. Ensuring our suppliers’ climate action is essential to reduce our battery carbon footprint, hence LG Energy Solution intends to engage its suppliers in climate action, ranging from those in Tier-1 to Tier-N. We work to trace and monitor emissions data along our supply chains and support our suppliers to participate in the RE100 transition and carbon reduction activities. In addition, we plan to increase the recycled content in manufacturing with a view to reducing battery carbon footprint as well as contributing to the circular battery ecosystem.

What are Scopes 1, 2 and 3?

  1. Scope 1

    Direct greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from owned or controlled sources

  2. Scope 2

    Indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased energy

  3. Scope 3

    All indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream emissions