A Company that Employees Enjoy Working For
Employee Engagement Surveys
LG Energy Solution conducts several employee engagement surveys to serve different purposes. The "Employee Experience Survey" is conducted twice a year to monitor the progress in improving employee experience, while the "Leadership Survey" is used to evaluate the leadership of each department. The "Pulse Survey" is conducted, as needed, to gauge the level of employees' satisfaction at work and to identify areas for improvement.
Employee Experience Survey
The Employee Experience Survey is the most representative employee engagement survey of LG Energy Solution. It is conducted twice a year on a regular basis for all employees, except for line workers, at all domestic and overseas business sites. We design a survey questionnaire and index around six most pressing challenges that need to be addressed in order to improve workplace culture and, conduct the survey, and distribute the final report to department leaders. The final report for each department serves as a useful input to plan and implement activities to improve the organizational culture over the course of the year. Further, organizational development programs are available for departments with lowest scores to facilitate the improvement.
- Early Q1 (February) : Survey announcement (Purpose and background of survey)
- Q1 (Early March) : First biannual survey launch (30 questionnaires focusing on six key tasks for organizational culture)
- End of Q1 (End of March) : Results communicated(to each department leader / Action plans developed for the year in consultation with leaders and Junior Board
- Q2-Q3 (April-August) : Action plans implemented at department level / Organizational development programs provided for departments with lowest scores
- End of Q3 (September) : Second biannual survey launch (Same questionnaires applied to measure and track the level of improvement)
- Q4 (October) : Level of improvements measured and action plan developed for underperforming departments)
Six Key Tasks for Organizational Culture
- 1) Reporting and meeting culture focusing on “core”
- 2) Autonomous working culture focusing on performance
- 3) Horizontal culture addressing each other with respect regardless of titles
- 4) Positive culture full of gratitude and praise
- 5) Pleasant workplace culture taking care of members’ physical and mental health
- 6) Sharing culture that conveys love to local communities
2022 Employee Experience Survey Results
* Survey Engagement Rate: 76% in Domestic Sites, 60% in Global Sites
Pleasant workplace : H1 70%, H2 82% (+12%p)
Horizontal Culture : H1 73%, H2 79% (+6%p)
Reporting/Meeting Focusing on ‘Core’ : H1 66%, H2 74% (+8%p)
Positive Culture : H1 63%, H2 70% (+7%p)
Average Positve Response Rate : H1 65%, H2 72% (+7%p)
Strengthening communication between employees and CEO (Town Hall Meetings, Junior Board meetings, EnTalk, Lunch with the CEO) Sharing final reports of employee experience survey Development of leadership and organizational development programs for departments with lowest scores
Continuous Improvement and Monitoring : To encourage positive changes on the ground to improve organizational culture, LG Energy Solution selects best-practice organizations that have demonstrated significant improvement over the first half of the year and promotes their stories on an internal corporate blog. The 2022 Employee Experience Survey was the first employee experience survey conducted since the founding of LG Energy Solution in December 2020. We intend to capitalize the results to continue exploring how to better practice our six key tasks for organizational culture and foster a positive employee experience.
What is EnTalk?
EnTalk is a communication channel between the CEO and employees, established in November 2021. Each and every member of LG Energy Solution is given access to freely speak up, share their perspectives and discuss with the CEO directly through this channel. Each member can opt for identifying themselves or communicating anonymously. The CEO responds directly to the employee’s post, and assigns relevant departments to follow up on the proposed ideas.

In 2022 alone, 731 messages were registered on EnTalk. Through this channel, several welfare policies and initiatives were introduced or revised for the compatibility in work and family, or work and life balance, including the extension of childcare leave from one year to two years, setup of an in-house daycare center, introduction of adoption leaves, and leaves and medical expenses for fertility treatment.
Furthermore, “Career Plus,” an in-house transfer system that enables members to determine their own career path, has also been expanded and improved. EnTalk has also been used to resolve minor inconveniences in the workplace, such as IT system upgrades and parking space expansion.
* Open to all members in domestic and overseas business sites
What is LGENergy?
LGENergy is a platform for praise and encouragement aimed at revitalizing “the positive culture full of gratitude and praise,” one of the six key tasks of organizational culture. It is a forum for LG Energy Solution members to recognize and appreciate each other in the form of giving small bonuses to each other.

For instance, members can express gratitude and commend their colleagues who, for example, have proposed useful ideas breaking down silos, who were willing to assist and transfer knowledge and know-hows, and who have worked for workplace cohesion and engagement thereby enhanced the value of the team and the company. In 2022, over 15,000 members in Korea and abroad shared more than 167,000 ENergy and contributed to creating a workplace culture full of appreciation and recognition.
Each member receives 12 ENergy per year for own disposal, and the ENergy they receive from other colleagues can be sent again to others. This bonus can be exchanged into EnCash at any time.
* Open to all members in domestic and overseas business sites
A Company that Employees Wish to Thrive Together
Based on the belief that “diverse talent is the source of our competitive edge,” LG Energy Solution has established a systematic training and development program that is organically linked to business goals and strategies.
We offer multi-level and systematic training and development programs for each job and position, including onboarding programs for the successful adaptation of newly hired employees and for seamless transition of members appointed to management positions, specialized skills trainings to develop the highest level of competence and competitiveness, capacity development trainings for global business operation, and capacity development trainings targeted at managerial and leadership. Moreover, under the supervision of LG Corp, we foster and nurture promising entrepreneurs with business competency and leadership skills to maintain our position as market leader. By operating global MBA and LG MBA programs, we aim to enhance the strategic implementation of our global business.
1 Training and Development Programs Framework at LG Energy Solution
At LG Energy Solution, leadership training is not reserved for organization leaders only. Rather, it is offered to all employees who show potential for growth and development, regardless of their current position or the type of their contract within the company. This training is facilitated through a learning platform called "Ensol Campus," which is accessible to anyone working at LG Energy Solution. This inclusive approach allows LG Energy Solution to cultivate a culture of continuous learning and development at all levels.
2 LG Energy Solution Battery Academy (LBA)
From the supplier of the world’s first mass-produced electric vehicle batteries to the highest number of patents owner in the industry, and with the rapid expansion of manufacturing bases around the globe, LG Energy Solution is rewriting the history of the global battery industry. To solidify our leading position with competitive technologies, the expertise and competence of our members is of utmost importance, and the training and development programs at LG Energy Solution Battery Academy (LBA) plays a major role in this journey.
LBA offers over 120 courses in the forms of e-learning courses, in-person trainings, and online trainings for workforce at all levels, in the areas of production/technology, quality assurance, R&D, digital transformation, purchasing, supply chain management, sales/marketing, project management, product planning, and other cross-cutting competences and expertise. Our members can register to any training courses of their interests, regardless of their current position or the type of their contract; and the training programs are available in multiple languages to cater to employees at our subsidiaries around the world. In addition, we award excellent constructors and learners each year to improve quality in trainings and program operation, as well as promote our members’ participation.
A Company that Supports Employees’ Growth
To foster future entrepreneurs with global mindset who will carry on our business, LG Energy Solution supports our members to acquire global MBA degrees.
A selected number of members can also apply for LG Group’s MBA programs to train core business disciplines that prioritize customer value and management skills. Furthermore, a program is in place to support all employees to acquire professional certifications for them to continuously train and develop expertise and competences hence determine own career paths. We provide financial assistance for our members to acquire certifications and participate in external academic trainings and conferences to keep abreast of the latest trends and skillsets in related fields.