Vision and Goals
Building a low-carbon ecosystem across the battery industry
Eco-friendly battery manufacturing
Offering differentiated value to customers
Responding to climate change
Converting to renewable energy
Dealing with international
Informing investors
and customers
Core Tasks

Managing energy efficiency
LG Energy Solution is managing energy consumption and saving targets at domestic and overseas business sites, and taking measures to introduce high-efficiency facilities, improve process
efficiency, and develop new technologies to save energy through the energy technology department at business sites.
Innovative technologies are being distributed and applied across business sites through a regular information exchange between the respective energy technology departments. Further, we have established and operated energy management system across all operating sites for systematic energy management.
Regulating greenhouse gas emissions
LG Energy Solution regulates greenhouse gas emissions at domestic and overseas business sites through the GEMS system and comply with national energy and greenhouse gas regulations by participating in the emission trading systems in Korea and the EU.
We are currently developing mid-term greenhouse gas reduction targets and implementation plan and are committed to minimizing life cycle GHG emissions of our products.
Expanding renewable energy(both RE100 and EV100 initiatives)
LG Energy Solution is expanding the conversion to renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the battery manufacturing process. We are operating solar power generation facilities at our domestic business sites and increasing the ratio of renewable energy by participating in the Korean government's green rating system.
LG Energy Solution, as the first global battery manufacturer to join both RE100 and EV100 initiatives, aims to complete a 100% transition to renewable energy by 2030 in the existing and upcoming manufacturing facilities and convert 100% of corporate-owned and leased vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tons and 50% of vehicles weighing 3.5 to 7.5 tons into eco-friendly vehicles by 2030.
Reducing suppliers' greenhouse gas emissions
LG Energy Solution is cooperating with suppliers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during production
and transportation of raw materials.
We monitor greenhouse gases emissions and energy consumption from suppliers and support the establishment and operation of energy efficient facilities and transition to renewable energy across all the suppliers, with an aim to enable an efficient and effective shift to a low-carbon future.