- 1947
- Lucky Chemical Founded
(start of LG Group)
- 1992
- Began Lithium-Ion
Battery Research
- 1996
- Began Lithium-Ion
Battery Development
- 1999
- Mass-Produced
Lithium-Ion Batteries
- 2000
- Founded United
States R&D
- 2004
- Completed
of Nanjing Plant
in China
- 2009
- Supplied the
World’s First
EV Batteries
(GM Volt)
- 2012
- Completed
Construction of
EV Battery Plant
in the U.S
- 2013
- Developed the
World’s First
Future Batteries
(Stepped, Curved,
Wire Battery)
- 2017
- Completed
Construction of
EV Battery Plant
in Poland
- 2018
- Developed
the World’s
First Free-Form
- 2020
- LG Energy Solution
- 2020
- Established ‘Ultium Cells’ with GM
- 2021
- Joined both RE100 and EV100 initiatives, as the first global battery manufacturer
- 2021
- Signed MoU with Hyundai Motor Group and Indonesian Governmant to Establish EV Battery Cell Plant
- 2022
- Annouced the investment for the 3rd joint venture EV battery plant with GM
- 2022
- Listed on the Korea Stock Exchange (KOSPI)
- 2022
- Established NextStar Energy, an EV battery joint venture with Stellantis
- 2023
- Signed MOU with Ford, and Koç Holding to establish a battery joint venture corporation in Turkiye
- 2023
- Groundbreaking for LG Energy Solution - Honda joint venture plant