Supply Chains ESG Risk Management Framework
Responsible Sourcing Policy
LG Energy Solution has established and operates Responsible Sourcing Policy. The Policy is based on the relevant international guidelines, standards and frameworks, including those of OECD, UN and ILO and sets out fundamental principles for LG Energy Solution and its suppliers to minimize supply chain ESG risks in the areas of human rights, labor, ethics, occupational safety & health, environmental sustainability and responsible sourcing.
Further, the Policy stipulates the operation of grievance mechanism which enables stakeholders to report any issue or concern relevant to potential ESG risks along our supply chains anonymously and facilitates such issues are handled in a timely manner. Committed to managing supply chain ESG risks based on the Policy, LG Energy Solution aims to contribute to improving the sustainability of the battery supply chains, thereby to ensure responsible and sustainable business.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Since 2016, LG Energy Solution has established and operated a Code of Conduct for Suppliers. The Code stipulates principles, standards and requirements that our suppliers must comply with in the areas including human rights, labor, ethics, occupational safety and health, environmental sustainability, responsible mineral sourcing, and grievance response systems. Based on the Code, LG Energy Solution verifies the adequacy of the supplier's supply chain management system from the stage of selecting new supplier and systematically manages ESG risks in the supply chain through regular ESG evaluations and monitoring of corrective action plans. All suppliers that carry out transactions with LG Energy Solution must agree to fully acquaint and comply with the Code, and the information on suppliers' informed consent is managed through the Singlex Purchasing System
Grievance and Remedy
LG Energy Solution operates a grievance mechanism where all stakeholders, including suppliers, service providers and contractors along its supply chains, can report any instance of violation in human rights, safety and health, environment, ethics or raise potential concerns.
All stakeholders have the right to report the violation occurring in LG Energy Solution’s premises and along its supply chains. Once the case is registered, the responsible department is identified to investigate, follow through and resolve the case. The informant will be provided with the result of investigation and relevant remediation measures.
The confidentiality, anonymity and security of the informant is rigorously safeguarded throughout the process of grievance and remedy. LG Energy Solution is committed to ensuring no retaliation or adverse consequences for reporting.
Submission -
Reviewing in
department -
and inspection
conducted -
completed and
sharing a result to
* After submission, cases are transferred to the relevant department, and the feedback period may vary depending on the case.
Supply Chain Management Process
Suppliers Management
LG Energy Solution evaluates new supplier candidates against 10 ESG risk indicators as part of the selection process. For the suppliers that are already in our supply chains, supplier ESG evaluations proceed in conjunction with regular purchase evaluations, with over 60 ESG risk indicators incorporated. Further, we require our suppliers to establish their own systems for supply chain transparency, risk identification, and third-party due diligence to avoid sourcing of raw materials from conflict-affected and high-risk areas; and to communicate the information on procedures and results of the implementation with us and other stakeholders.
With such assessment process, we evaluate our suppliers' compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct, conduct on-site third-party audit on suppliers of high-risk group, identify and plan corrective actions, monitor their implementation, and disclose the information on procedures and outcomes of the evaluation in our annual ESG report.
<Supplier ESG Risk Assessment Process>
Regular Assessment
ESG evaluations proceed in conjunction with annual purchase evaluations, with over 60 ESG risk indicators including human and labor rights, ethics, responsible purchase, environmental sustainability, OHS, etc.
Written Assessment
Risk Level Analysis
Suppliers categorized into Low/Mid/High Risk
Selection of On-Site Assessment Subjects
On-Site Assessment
follow-up on serious nonconforming issues and identify corrective action plans
Request for Improvement
New Supplier Assessment
New supplier candidates are evaluated before the registration
On-Site Evaluation
Reflection of Evaluatoin Results
※ 143 suppliers' ESG risks were assessed in 2022, and 10 audited on-site
Beyond Tier-1 Suppliers
To build a sustainable battery ecosystem, it is important to expand the scope of the supply chain that participates in ESG activities beyond our Tier-1 suppliers. LG Energy Solution seeks to drive greater transparency and traceability with the chain of custody through the operation of the Supplier Code of Conduct and the regular process of suppliers ESG evaluation. Taking a step further, we strive to enhance our upstream supply chain management by gradually expanding due diligence on major raw material supply chains and collaborating with other players along the supply chains to secure traceability.
Since the issue of child labor in the cobalt supply chain was raised by the international human rights organization Amnesty International in 2016, LG Energy Solution has sought to operate our supply chain in an ethical and responsible manner through a variety of methods.
Conflict Minerals Management
LG Energy Solution operates an IT system to track and monitor our suppliers and the composition of materials from the purchase stage. The system enables to identify suppliers that source any of conflict minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold) and requires them to report through the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT), developed by Responsible Minerals Initiative, on the use of conflict minerals, mineral country of origin and the smelters and refiners being utilized.
What are the “Conflict Minerals”?
'Conflict minerals' refer to four minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold) mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the neighboring nations, including Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Congo, Zambia, Angola, Tanzania, and the Central African Republic. These territories are currently controlled by militant groups of insurgents and conquering armies that mine and distribute minerals to secure funds. This practice continues to cause disputes and often results in casualties, human rights violations, and labor exploitation
In July 2010, the U.S. Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act which lay the foundation for legal restrictions on conflict minerals. Every company, listed in the U.S securities market, must fairly disclose and annually report the use of conflict minerals to the Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) by May 31st. Some Korean companies with obligation are also influenced by this Act, as a supplier to the U.S firms.